Monday, January 5, 2015

Phew - just breathe

Wow - as usual, coming back to work after a long break is a nightmare.  Everyone wants everything done immediately...duh!  

So since I'm not eating much for lunch, I thought I'd take my lunch break and do an update.  

Last night was a good one -- My brother stopped by for a visit before he heads out for more training with the Marines.  It was great to see him and Shayna.  C was all about showing Shayna how to be a robot.

Eating wise, not so hot.  BUT when I went grocery shopping -- I was so going to get a donut (ehh, was definitely going to get 2 donuts.....) but I didn't.  FFC (flame free confession...yes, you CANNOT flame me because I said that!) I had them bagged up and in my cart and I ended up leaving the bag by the display.  Hey, I'm not proud of it, but I didn't eat them. 

Weighed in this morning --- not proud of the number by any means.  But I can only move forward.  I did NOT sign up for another diet bet, but I am using their goal as my first goal.  4% in 28 days.  That's 11.7 lbs by 2/2.  

I am pretty positive that I will achieve it, but I want to make sure that I maintain it still on the 2nd also.  I have this tendancy of reaching a goal early, but then ruining it before it counts.  I'm going to do my best to set little goals for myself this year instead of one big one.  Yes, as great as it is to say "I'm going to get under 200 lbs!" --- it's not quickly attainable and winds up being discouraging.  11.7 lbs should be 'nothing' :)  

Today Steve and I are starting our week of nutrisystem.... did I mention that I'm slightly terrified of shelf-stable lasagna?!!!  That's dinner tonight.  I'll report back tomorrow...hopefully ;) LOL  So far today I've has NS Oatmeal (yum!), tea, NS shake #1 (ick!), carrots, and a NS Fudge Graham Bar (not bad).  I've had about 48 oz of water - which is good for me lately :( I've been soooo bad about water.  So here's some pics from this morning.  Really bums me out....but we should see some progress soon.  The profile shot really makes me want to cry/puke/scream/ get the point. But I'll get there.  

Hope everyone has a good Monday --- mine is crazy busy, but at least that's making time fly!


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