Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday already?!


Countdown til Friday!!! I can't believe that January is almost over.  Actually our vaca is coming up fast... in less than 2 weeks we'll be in Colorado!  Umm, yeah summertime for vacation would've been nice, but I couldn't pass up the flight price.  We'll be spending time with Steve's grandparents and maybe do a little sightseeing, but it should be relaxing!!

When I get back, I think I'll be joining WW.  1) I'm pretty sure I'll have to after I see my doctor since I've GAINED yet again this year and my insurance isn't gonna be happy....but 2)  I'm ready to admit that I can't do this on my own yet and need some help (outside of my awesome husband and friends).  I just really hope meetings are good and useful and not filled with people just making the motions to make their insurance companies happy.  I did WW before, but only online....and really only used it like MFP -- just tracked points...I didn't reach out for help or anything. So I'm hoping that the leader winds up being awesome and is super inspiring and motivating.

So I want to really focus on getting my eating under control first and then get a workout routine going - but I did promise a very special Textie that I would do some work out today.  I'm planning on doing a Zumba workout on the XboxOne. Happy Monday ya'll :) 


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Almost the weekend! Again!!

Ooops, so I've gotten behind on posting.  Sorry!! 

Not much going on that's new right now.  Seems like we're always busy though.  I haven't started any crazy new diets or been swayed to try something new even seeing the successes of others on FB.  LOL  I wish the best to those finding their way on the WL journey -- i just need to find the root issue for myself :) But I do really really need to start making better choices.  My logging hasn't stuck - my eating has been off track - and I've been drinking calories too.  Bad bad. 

One new thing that I discovered - or am in the process of discovering - is essential oils!  It's pretty facinating and I'm hoping they'll help with my headaches especially - but also the overall health of us all.  Although no one's been able to tell me which oil will make me a size 10 overnight....hmmmm LOL  But, peppermint and grapefruit can help curb your appetite :) This is my new diffuser -- it also changes color and is a bluetooth speaker. Pretty neat - a few oils came with it, but my other order of oils should be here today!  So that's pretty cool - I'm excited.  I put some lavender on before bed last night and I passed out FAST!  Coincidence? Maybe lol  But still neat.

Maybe Claire will get more restful sleep with the lavender around and not wake up as little Miss Cranky Pants :)  She always cheers up - but sometimes getting out the door is a chore.  

Today is "Do you wanna build a snowman day" at school though - so I know she's going to have an awesome time!!  These are my oils that should be there today!  
Lots of good stuff!!  I actually really like reading up on this stuff -- it'll be neat to see how they work.  I know a bunch of people who swear by them for everything from mood to first aid. 

That's all for now folks - take it easy :) 


Thursday, January 15, 2015

It's Thursday!!!!

And that means....
Fantastic!!!! Not sure what our plans are exactly, but it'll be nice to have some family time.  It never seems like there's enough of that :)  I do have to say, I could use some warmer weather.  6* just isn't cutting it for me at the moment.  

Yesterday I got my first Ipsy bag!!! I was excited - Claire was soooo sad that SHE didn't have a package on the porch.  She was crying. lol  Girlfriend needs some mail!! But I used my new nail polish and painted her nails and that made things a little better.  Here's all the goodies I got in my bag:
I'm excited because I'll use everything!  This will be fun to get each month!  

And now for the weight/diet/body talk. My eating has been once again out of control :(  I haven't stepped on the scale and don't want to.  I feel huge. I look huge.  It's really depressing looking in the mirror.  It's like "How the heck did this happen?!"  I mean, I know HOW but it's just crazy.  For the longest time, I never felt "that" big.....and granted, I wasn't THIS big, but still. I never realized - even though I wasn't happy with my body, I didn't think I was as big as I was. I really need to get to at the very least logging in MFP.  For those of you who use it, I do have a new MFP name.  I wanted to start fresh - not see and be depressed with how much I've gained, so my new name is kdw0603 (yes, similar, but different ;) 

Part of me wants to say, "Well it's already Thursday, I may as well wait until Monday to start" ---  actually, I have said that this morning...especially since I didnt' bring my lunch today and just want to pig out on bad stuff....BUT right now the good part of my brain is kicking in and telling me that "uh, girl, you're logging today" so I will :-D

So to make me feel a little better --- and make my goals seem a little more attainable --- I did adjust my MFP goal.  My first goal is that sucks to say, I'll feel good actually reaching a goal --- even if I weighed that just months ago and now I've got 40 lbs to go to get there......Like I said, I haven't weighed myself lately, but I'm sure I'm right around here.

So anywhoooo - I'm gonna log today and see where that gets me.  Baby steps, steps... 


Monday, January 12, 2015

**Migraine Monday**

Starting the day off with a migraine is not the way to go.. Don't know if it's the weather, how I'm sleeping, or just an overdue need for the chiropractor.  Oh well - I'm sure it'll get better!

So how about that nutrisystem?! After regretting it pretty much immediately, it's no surprise that I didn't stick to it.  After ordering Mexican on Thursday night (which was AMAZING!!!) it was officially off. I threw the shake powders away cuz they were gross, but I'll still use the meals.  They weren't bad!  Something about this cold dreary weather that just makes you want comfort food, comfy clothes, a pillow and blanket! 
The weekend was a good one -- we took C to build a bear. She had a great time --- that place adds up FAST but she was so excited, it was worth it :D  

Steve also took me to Flemings for dinner -- omg -- yum!!!  The french onion soup that I started with was probably the best I've ever had.  That is my newest obsession.  I also had a ribeye (well, part of one...) and we shared some amazing mac & cheese.  Totally great dinner out - and a nice time for catching up with my hubby!  

Cheers to a good week for everyone!


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hangry is totally real!

Hmmm...It's 11:00 and I'm eating my "lunch" which consists of a nutrisystem chocolate peanut butter bar. I'm gonna regret this I know, but I'm starving.  Yesterday I slipped up.  But today I've been good. But it's freakin hard! UGH. 

This was me I'm more hung-rated (hungry & frustrated).  
It's a real thing. lol  I don't know how you fix it but if anyone has tips, I'm open to them!  And "Don't think about it" doesn't work for me.  Wish it did - life would be so much easier!

So yeah....once again, I'm regretting my "quick fix" plan.  Shocker.  Nutrisystem's concept of pre-portioned food is probably what I need.  But maybe I'll be able to figure out how to meal plan for the week and cook ahead and portion or something.  Just ready for these 7 days to be over. lol

Annnnnnyhow. Just a quick update. Works been crazy still. 


Monday, January 5, 2015

Phew - just breathe

Wow - as usual, coming back to work after a long break is a nightmare.  Everyone wants everything done immediately...duh!  

So since I'm not eating much for lunch, I thought I'd take my lunch break and do an update.  

Last night was a good one -- My brother stopped by for a visit before he heads out for more training with the Marines.  It was great to see him and Shayna.  C was all about showing Shayna how to be a robot.

Eating wise, not so hot.  BUT when I went grocery shopping -- I was so going to get a donut (ehh, was definitely going to get 2 donuts.....) but I didn't.  FFC (flame free confession...yes, you CANNOT flame me because I said that!) I had them bagged up and in my cart and I ended up leaving the bag by the display.  Hey, I'm not proud of it, but I didn't eat them. 

Weighed in this morning --- not proud of the number by any means.  But I can only move forward.  I did NOT sign up for another diet bet, but I am using their goal as my first goal.  4% in 28 days.  That's 11.7 lbs by 2/2.  

I am pretty positive that I will achieve it, but I want to make sure that I maintain it still on the 2nd also.  I have this tendancy of reaching a goal early, but then ruining it before it counts.  I'm going to do my best to set little goals for myself this year instead of one big one.  Yes, as great as it is to say "I'm going to get under 200 lbs!" --- it's not quickly attainable and winds up being discouraging.  11.7 lbs should be 'nothing' :)  

Today Steve and I are starting our week of nutrisystem.... did I mention that I'm slightly terrified of shelf-stable lasagna?!!!  That's dinner tonight.  I'll report back tomorrow...hopefully ;) LOL  So far today I've has NS Oatmeal (yum!), tea, NS shake #1 (ick!), carrots, and a NS Fudge Graham Bar (not bad).  I've had about 48 oz of water - which is good for me lately :( I've been soooo bad about water.  So here's some pics from this morning.  Really bums me out....but we should see some progress soon.  The profile shot really makes me want to cry/puke/scream/ get the point. But I'll get there.  

Hope everyone has a good Monday --- mine is crazy busy, but at least that's making time fly!


Saturday, January 3, 2015

DietBet - oh why do you do this to me?!

So I get an email today from DietBet saying it's time for my weigh in ... Cue slight freak out because I knew I didn't sign up for another! Did I?! Lol click on the link and they just want me to suckerishly give them more money! Annnnnnnnnd I'm thinking about it. It starts Monday which is when Steve and I will be starting our food from a box .... Aka 7 days of nutrisystem. In 28 days you have to lose 4% for the diet bet. For me, that'll likely be about 12 lbs. I half jokingly mentioned it to Steve and afterwards he said, well maybe because we WILL be losing the weight... So we'll see!

Today we took C to Chuck e cheeses - she had a blast as usual. 
I just love her so much!!! She redeemed her 288 tickets for 2 snakes, a bracelet and some sweet tarts ;)

So this vacation from work has been nice but it'll be coming to an end on Monday! Back to the grind with work, preschool and grandma Pat's house. It's been nice having some extra time with my girl I must say! Well I guess I'll wrap this up for now, but check out this smarty pants before I go...


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happpppppy New Year!!

2015 eh? Crazy to think that it's January already. I know this year will probably fly by too!! Lots to look forward to!

NYE was fun.....great times with friends and family. No facebook was pretty weird - but it was good. I just don't get the opportunity to share pics instantly like I normally would, but here's a few from the evening....

Caught miss C white handed....
Fun times....
Sing it girl....

Of course, once the ball dropped C wanted no part of pics.....she was just a tad bit tired I think!

Today was another great day! We went out to the Warncke's and had so much fun!! It was so awesome seeing the kids play together. 

And I just have to say I love this man - he puts up with me and loves me unconditionally....I'm pretty lucky :) 
