Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Welcome to 2015 - keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times!

Okay... I'm gonna say it. 2015 is gonna be a fantastic year!! 

I'm going to focus on self-improvement!! (And I don't ONLY mean weight loss) I want to be a better mom... A better wife... A better me!  I don't need to have perfect hair or expensive clothes....I don't need to have the prettiest yard or the cleanest house --- although a little extra effort on my part wouldn't hurt ;) The important things are my daughter, my husband and Myself!! 

I'm not making any true "resolutions" because that always seems like a set up for failure... At least for me! It's like all those fad diets I've done over the years... Haha... And we always start on a Monday.... Just like we always start on January 1st. So here are some things I will be working on this year:

* I'm going to use FB less. I'm going to start by taking a break. Too many times I catch myself checking it while playing with Claire, getting irrationally annoyed by people's posts, playing games or following drama while I should be doing work or something productive. It's not worth it. While I sharing pics or stories of C, I can limit that to this blog, texts or emails :)  

* I am going to really try to get my weight under control. Nothing I've done so far has lasted. 2014 was a roller coaster on the scale and also with my emotions. I had great successes and huge failures also. I'm at a point where it's really scary and something HAS to change. I need to believe in myself which is where I really lack. I need to not get into my slumps and remember that the momentary satisfaction of that cookie or slice of pizza isn't worth the emotional toll it'll take on me later. At least being off work for this week and a half has detoxed me from the disgusting vending machine. I swear I'll have to not have cash on me. That'll prevent any vending machines slips - or following the crowd with their eating out. 

* I want to read more, maybe do puzzles and whatnot to help my memory, get C to try new foods, just be the person I know she'll be proud of :)

Cheers to 2015 ~ I hope that it's fantastic for you and the ones you love!! 



  1. I've always said my so. Found someone to live up to his expectations when he found you. You can do whatever you set your mind to, you just need to believes in yourself! I am so proud to have you as a daughter in law, I am beside myself with joy! I love you and know you will accomplish any goal you set for yourself so long as you are happy and feel good about yourself, and you should, you are amazing!

  2. Even though there were a lot of spelling/grahmer errors in previous post I hope you know I think you are the best! I thank god every day for sending you to my son, we are blessed to have you as a part of our family!

  3. You are way too sweet!!! You're the best :)
